The tincture, made up from the bark of the root which contains Saponin. Common Name: Fringe tree Causes & Symptoms for SBL Chionanthus Virginica It is a remedy for hepatic engorgement, jaundice, yellow discoloartion of skin, pain over the region of the gall bladder and calculi in it. Constipation with dry feces is checked with help of this remedy.
Quantity | 3 - 5 | 6 - 10 | 11 - 50 |
Price | $10.02 | $9.88 | $9.08 |
Chionanthus V
The tincture, made up from the bark of the root which contains Saponin.
Common Name: Fringe tree
Mind and Head:
The patient is listless and has no desire to work or do any activity.
Chionanthus is a valuable remedy in complaints of Dull frontal headache, over root of nose, over eyes, through temples.
Eyes, Nose and Mouth:
The yellow discoloartion of eyes, due to live complaints
The pressing pain at the root of the nose during headache is beneficially relieved.
Coated tingue with dryness of mouth with presence of saliva, not relieved by drinking water is commonly seen in patients that indicates to Chionanthus.
A valuable remedy in loss of appetite with emaciation.
Great nausea and retching with desire for stool.
Vomiting followed by cold sweat is effectively relieved with Chionanthus.
Abdomen and Liver:
Chionanthus has its best influence in acute congestion of the liver with imperfect discharge of bile.
The distress is felt in the right hypochondrium, with cramp-like pains in the abdomen.
The remedy liquefies the bile, restricts the formation of calculi and promotes the discharge of those formed.
It helps to quickly overcome the jaundice of childhood and infancy, especially sure in the jaundice of the pregnant term.
In the obstruction of the bile ducts, due to inflammation of the duodenum, this remedy is directly indicated.
Stool and Anus:
Chionanthus is a valauable remedy in undigested stools that shows absence of bile.
Emission of flatus while passing stool.
Burning sensation felt at the anala region while passing stool.
Jaundice with arrested menses is a characterestic indication of Chionanthus.
Involuntary jerking in various parts of the body.
Chionanthus is indicated in abdominal symptoms that are better by lying down on the abdomen.
Stiffening pains felt in the left thumb, left ankle and tarsal bones is effectively checked with Chionanthus.
It is a valuable remedy in complaints of yellow discoloration of the skin.
There are no such side effects. But every medicine should be taken following the rules as given.
Take 10 drops in half cup of water three times a day.
We recommend you to take under physicians guidance.
Homeopathic products have several uses and should be taken on the basis of symptom similarity. Results may vary depending upon the conditions. We recommend consulting your physician before purchasing this medicine and abstain from self medication.
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