Product Details
Also known as :
canth, canthar
Potency :1X (Q)
Weight :210 (g)
Dimensions :5 (cm) x 5 (cm) x 13 (cm)
B Jain Cantharis Vesicatoria(Mother tincture)
Common Name: Spanish Fly/Blister Beetle
This beetle lives on honeysuckle and olive trees in western Asia and southern Europe. The Spanish fly produces a toxic substance called cantharidin. Cantharidin is a strong poison that primarily affects the urinary tract and causes burning pain and vomiting.
Causes & Symptoms for B Jain Cantharis Vesicatoria(Mother tincture)
- It is well indicated in complaints occur violently with rage and anger
- Complaints that are associated with burning pains are well treated with cantharis.
- Pains that are burning stabbing and sharp shooting pains with pus formation is marked with skin affections.
- Vesicle formation is important, hence it is used effectively in burns of 1st degree followed by blister formation.
- According to Guernsey, the remedy expels moles, dead fetus, placentae; and promotes fecundity.
- Painful micturition with inability to hold urine, is treated well with Cantharis.
- Violent Anger with rage with sudden loss of consciousness, abusive language with delirium , shouting and singing of disgusting things.
- Cantharis is indicated for patients who tend to change subjects while talking, about business. No courage with shyness and constantly try to do something but fails.
- Convulsions and rage aggravated after exposure to bright light.
- Burning type of pain is key feature of cantharis.
- Pain that travels from nape of neck with soreness, giddiness, worse in the morning and afternoon
- Disturbed sleep due to headache.
Eyes, Ear, Nose and face:
- Burning is experienced in all three; eyes ear and nose.
- Inflammation of eyes with burning and smarting pains.
- Pain in the ear with burning heat felt in the ear.
- Long standing coryza with discharge from the nose
- Burning redness of face,with swelling of one side of face, paleness of face.
Mouth and throat:
- Vesicles on the tongue with inability to swallow.
- Mouth ulcers with inflammation of gums,speech difficulty, Dryness of lips
- Pain in the tonsils with burning sensation and inability to swallow water , liquids.
Appetite, Stomach and Abdomen:
- Thirst increased due to dryness of lips, want of appetite with no desire to food.
- Pressive and burning pains in the stoamch with erucatations and risings,vomiting of bilious vomiting.
- Inflammation of the liver, intestines causing pain in the abdomen, sensitive to touch.
Stool and Anus:
- Constipation with hard feces, burning in the anal region during passage of stools,
- Dysentry with bloody mucus, Violent pains with frequent urging.
Bladder and Genitals:
- Cutting sensation with lancinating pains and feeling as if stabbed by knife in the neck of bladder.
- Burning while passing urine, retention of urine with painful emission drop by drop, with pain in the loins, back.
- Severe pains in the urethral region with constant desire to pass urine, Inability to pass more then a drop of urine.
- Weakness and swelling of limbs is reduced with help of Cantharis
- Shooting pains, piercing pains, in lower limbs
Side effects of B Jain Cantharis (Mother tincture)
There are no such side effects. But every medicine should be taken following the rules as given.
Dosage and rules while taking B Jain Cantharis (Mother tincture)
Take 10 drops in half cup of water three times a day.
We recommend you to take under physicians guidance
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