Information about Dr. Reckeweg R41 Sexual Neurasthenia Drop
Reckeweg-R41 Sexual Weakness Drop is a homeopathic medicine for men. It contains Acidum phosphoricum, Agnus castus, China, Conium, Damiana, Sepia, Testes. Tissues grow old through a variety of causes. Dr. Reckeweg R41 Sexual Neurasthenia Drop can be used for the treatment such as:
- Lack of sexual Energy and strength
- General debility especially in men
- Loss of semen during urinating or stool and sleep
- This medication also helps old age people
The formation of rings can be noticed in the albuminous molecules bringing about ratification of water and consequent parching. After-effects of debilitating illnesses, overwork on physical or other planes, overexcitement, nervous exhaustion. Against various kind of ailments in old-age.As these albuminous molecules lose their working efficacy they can no longer fulfill their detoxicant role towards the cells. This, in turn, means an accumulation of harmful tissues.
It is through a homeopathic medication stimulating the etoxicant cellular mechanism that an outward bound elimination of these toxins is achieved. The composition of R41 has been adapted in such a way as to influence the different systems, with special emphasis on the vitality glands. It is universally admitted that the function of the germinal glands affects the whole life-current in an individual.
Mode of action for ingredients:
The composition of R41 influences the sexual glands; Acid Phos, Agnus castus, China, Damiana, etc.
Benefits of Reckeweg-R41 Sexual Weakness Drop:
- Tonic in case of impotence and lack of libido.
- Lack of vitality; weakness, with high efficacy in low dilution.
- The specific effect in cases of disturbances after debilitating illnesses.
- Angry irritations, lack of concentration.
- Hypochondria and in senile debility.
- Strengthens the genital regions.
- Acts in cases of exhaustion of all cellular functions, fatigue, aversion, repugnance for coition.
- Acts as substitute and stimulant in the organic therapeutic sense.
- Lack of vitality Asthenia, Spermatorrhoea General debility especially in men.
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