Indication of Allen A11 Eczema Drops
A11 Eczema Drops is indicated in cases involving eczema, urticaria, carbuncles with burning, pimples, herpes and rashes.
Composition of Allen A11 Eczema Drops
- Apis Mellifica 3x
- Arsenic Album 3x
- Urtica Urens 1x
- Graphites 3x in aqua destillata
Dosage of Allen A11 Eczema Drops
- Take 8 to 10 drops in half-cup of water daily in the morning and evening.
Mode of Action:
- Apis Mellifica: Eczema, urticaria, carbuncles with burning, stinging pains. Eczema with marked swelling.
- Arsenicum Album: Eczema with burning and restlessness. Itching produces burning, Eczema between fingers and cracks on the tips of fingers. Best for chronic eczema, if there is great burning and itching.
- Urtica Urens: Recent eczema on the back of hands. Burning of skin.
- Graphites: Affects the folds skin, at flexures, muco-cutaneous junctions, behind the ears. Thickening and induration of skin. Thick crusts and scales, oozing honey like, thick yellow sticky fluid, sometimes offensive.
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