Product description
Alfalfa Tonic
Alfalfa has been cultivated since ancient times and used for its excellent properties of improving the appetite and health in general.
Bakson’s Homoeopathy brings you Bakson ALFALFA TONIC with the natural goodness of Alfalfa along with other proven homoeopathic medicines.
Clinical trials prove that Bakson ALFALFA TONIC
• Stimulates the appetite and improves digestion.
• Fights fatigue which results from intense physical exertion, emotional stress or lack of rest.
• Stimulates and tones-up the nervous system specially during periods of emotional stress when heavy demands cause nervous exhaustion, disturbed sleep etc.
• It tones up the kidneys and improves its functions thereby making the body’s waste disposal more effective.
Bakson ALFALFA TONIC efficiently supports the health of a normal person and facilitates convalescence following debilitating diseases.
This is how the various constituents of Bakson ALFALFA TONIC work :
Alfalfa: It has evidence in toning up appetite and digestion resulting in greatly improved mental & physical vigour, with gain in weight. It is rich in Vitamins A, B, C, D, E and minerals namely Calcium, Copper, Phosphorus.
Avena sativa: It soothes the nerves, aids in overcoming nervous exhaustion and insomnia. The nutrient contents include Vitamin B, C & E besides Iron, Calcium & Copper.
Hydrastis canadensis : It helps in overcoming the generalized feeling of weakness, prostration and weak muscular power. Contains Vitamin C which improves immune function.
Nux vomica : It is a drug for people who under the stress of modern day living develop the symptoms of physical and mental stress. Helps in relieving disturbed appetite associated with an ineffectual urge in stool.
Cinchona officinalis (China): Helps in overcoming extreme physical exhaustion often associated with anaemia and loss of vital body fluids.
Cinnamomum : Indicated for extreme weakness caused by physical exertion.
Kalium arsenicosum : Effective in reducing nervousness and anaemia.
Acidum phosphoricum : Useful in conditions of nervous or mental exhaustion which might lead to physical symptoms.
There are no known contraindications for Bakson ALFALFA TONIC
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