Also known as :
Acid Nit
Potency :1X (Q)
Weight :210 (g)
Dimensions :5 (cm) x 5 (cm) x 13 (cm)
B Jain Acidum Nitricum (Mother Tincture)
Common Name: Nitric Acid, Aqua Fortis
Causes & Symptoms for B Jain Acidum Nitricum
- The action of Nitric acid is strongly marked at the mucocutaneous orifices and adjoining parts which includes the the region of the mouth and anus.
- Itching, burning eruption between the fingers is relieved with help of Nitric acid.
- Loss of breath and palpitation of heart on walking and going up stairs is a symptom of this medicine.
- Swelling of the infra-maxillary glands, Inguinal glands swollen not painful with suppuration indicates Acid Nitricum.
- Vertigo with tendancy to fall after stooping or lying down is resolved with Nitric acid medicine.
- Nitric acid is useful for the discharges from the body that are offensive, thin, excoriating, purulent,dirty, yellowish green.
- A keynote of Nitric acid is stools, whether loose or constipated, is pain after stool.
- Difficulty in digesting milk is seen in Nitric acid.
- The symptoms are worse by touch, pressure (of hat), better riding in carriage.
Mind and Head
- Mind easily affected, inclined to weep, quarrelsome, fits of rage and cursing, excessive weakness of memory.
- The head pains generally are aggravated by riding in a car or by stepping hard.
- Drawing and pressive pains in bones of head, with sensation as if they were constricted by a tape is resolved with Nitric acid.
Eyes, Ear, Nose and Mouth
- Aching and shooting pains in eyes, Frequent lachrymation, especially when reading, with painful sensitiveness of eyes.
- Glandular swelling behind and below the ear, from which stitching pains extend into the ear, Dryness in interior of ear is relieved with Nitric acid.
- Hardness of hearing relieved while riding or in motion indicates this remedy.
- Discharges offensive, yellowish with mucus and frequent epistaxis, Violent fluent coryza with headache is relieved with Nitric acid.
- Sneezing, dry nasal catarrh with Soreness and constriction of the chest.
- Soreness of the tongue, palate and gums; and ulcerated spots on the cheeks is resolved with Nitric acid.
- Vesicles upon the tongue and sublingual glands is helped with Nitric acid.
Throat and Cough
- Hoarseness, especially when talking for a long time is resolved with Nitric acid.
- Great dryness and heat in the throat with redness and swollen tonsils.
- Tickling Cough , seems to annoy all night, dry barking cough, especially in evening, on lying down.
Stomach and Abdomen
- Sour eructation and rising of half-digested food in the mouth is indication of Nitric acid.
- Nausea and vomiting along with headache; most symptoms occur after eating and at night with profuse sweat.
- Accumulation of flauts in abdomen with Stitches in hepatic region, worse from motion. Tensive pressure and shootings in the left hypochondrium.
- Haemorrhoids protrude and at every stool bleed.
Stool and Urine
- Moist soreness at the anus with burning and itching. Sticking pain in the rectum, chiefly when coughing and at stool.
- Long pressing pains toward the rectum and anus; stool not hard but difficult, violent pains after stool, lasting for hours.
- White or clear red deposit in the urine sometimes granular. Burning and soreness after urinating.
- Urine offensive, scanty, sometimes acid, sometimes alkaline is resolved with Nitric acid.
Male complaints
- Male urethra painful to pressure; orifice swollen and red; discharge of bloody or thick yellow mucus indicates Nitric acid.
- Swelling and drawing in the testes, warts and ulcer on the inner surface of the prepuce and on the glands is relieved with help of this medicine.
Female complaints
- Nitric acid is beneficial in white discharges with offensive smell and with back pains.
- Violent pains through abdomen after menses with muddy water, brown or thick white discharge
- Menses reappearing a few days after cessation, and pale red, fourteen days after cessation, not profusely indicates Nitric acid.
- Cracking joints, Jerking in muscles of arm, Warts on arms is benefited with Nitric acid.
- Swelling of fingers, especially at joints, with shooting pain.
- Constant coldness of feet with cramps in the calves and soles of the feet at night and towards morning on stretching out the feet.
- Ulcers that bleed easily, Blackness of pores. Dryness of the skin and Itching with rash on face especally in open air points to Nitric acid.
- Itching nettle-rash, also on face, and especially in open air.
- Pimples with a red areola, leaving a hard lump after suppuration,
Side effects of B Jain Acidum Nitricum
There are no such side effects. But every medicine should be taken following the rules as given.
Dosage and rules while taking B Jain Acidum Nitricum
Take 10 drops in half cup of water three times a day.
We recommend you to take under physicians guidance
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