Potency :1X (Q)
Weight :210 (g)
Dimensions :5 (cm) x 5 (cm) x 13 (cm)
B jain Anagallis Arvensis (Mother Tincture)
Common Name: Scarlet Pimpernel, Weather-glass
Causes & Symptoms for B jain Anagallis Arvensis (Mother Tincture)
- Anagallis has a marked action on the skin. Skin itches all over, becomes dry and rough, ulcers and swellings on joints.
- Anagallis Arvensis has been used for snake-bites and hydrophobia.
- It produces great exhilaration and activity of mind: thinks of everything.
- Tickling and itching in left ear is relieved by Anagallis Arvensis.
- Anagallis Arvensis patients have dull pains in gums accompanied by very hard stools.
- Sensation on tongue as if something cold were placed on it.
- Dryness and scraping in throat. Scraping, scratching of larynx and trachea with hoarseness, worse after eating.
- Tearing in spermatic cord, Soreness on chest with pain is seen in the patient of Anagallis.
- Pain and tightness in bend of left knee. Symptoms are worse by touch, worse after eating.
- Cannot collect his thoughts while listening to sermon on account of jovial feelings.
- After mental exertion great prostration.
- Heat rising to head, slight sweat on forehead, followed by pressing stitching in eyeballs.
- Headache just over supraorbital ridges with eructations and rumbling in the bowels.
- Intense headache and nausea with pains throughout the body.
- Head-ache better by coffee.
- Things seem to float to and fro, he cannot write. Glittering before left eye.
- Pressing in eyes after headache. Pain in right eyeball worse on touching lids. Itching of lids.
- Obstruction and pain in right ear following the pressure in eyes. Stitches in right ear. Tickling and itching in left ear.
- Nose-bleed, Unpleasant tickling on top of nose, with violent sneezing. Copious secretion of yellow mucus.
- Pains in facial muscles. Bran-like, ring-shaped tetters on face. Itching on cheek-bones.
- Dull pain in upper molars and tearing pain in right cheek-bone.
- Teeth pain as from cold, worse from touch, chilly sensation in teeth. Dull pain in gums accompanied by very hard stools.
- Sensation on tongue as if something cold were placed upon it.
- Collection of water in mouth, with slight tearing in molars.
- Sensation of dryness in throat with scraping. Tickling at soft palate at night, as from touch of something cold.
- Eructations, nausea, inclination to vomit, and rumbling in bowels with headache.
Stool and Anus
- Itching in rectum, pressure in sacrum, piles. Passes offensive flatus.
- Stools: watery, soft and pappy, hard like stones, knotty. Itching at anus after stool.
Urinary Organs
- Burning in urethra when urinating, mostly in the morning.
Male Sexual Organs
- The burning in urethra before and during erection ceases during coitus. Drawing pains in right testicle and cord.
Respiratory Organs
- Scratching and scraping in throat, especially after meals. Hoarseness proceeding from the trachea.
- Cough dry, with a scratching sensation when reading aloud, with yellow phlegm from the nose, with spitting of saliva.
- Soreness on the chest with fever. Pressure in right lung after a meal or when walking fast.
- Violent trembling of heart, with general trembling and weakness, preceded by aching in a carious tooth and anxiety in chest in evening in bed. Palpitation.
Neck and Back
- Tensive drawing from left shoulder up to neck, returns when lifting or stretching the arm.
Upper Limbs
- Pains in muscles of upper arm, outside, near shoulder. Gouty swellings on joints of fingers.
- Skin of hands and fingers very dry, sticky and dirty-looking.
Lower Limbs
- Drawing pains in muscles of left leg, tearing during night. Weakness and lameness in right leg as if it was too short.
- Itches all over, rough, dry. Ulcers and swellings on joints.
- Falls asleep late, sleep restless, awakens early, feeling unrefreshed.
Side effects of B jain Anagallis Arvensis (Mother Tincture)
There are no such side effects. But every medicine should be taken following the rules as given.
Dosage and rules while taking B jain Anagallis Arvensis (Mother Tincture)
Take 10 drops in half cup of water three times a day.
We recommend you to take under physicians guidance.
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