Also known as :
Apocynum can
Potency :1X (Q)
Weight :210 (g)
Dimensions :5 (cm) x 5 (cm) x 13 (cm)
B Jain Apocynum Cannabinum (Mother Tincture)
Common Name: Indian (American) Hemp.
- Provings were made with fresh plant-tinctures, or fresh or powdered root-tinctures or infusions.
- Watery infusions (with just enough spirit to keep them from fermenting) are said to be more efficacious than tinctures.
- The whole fresh plant, root included, should be used for making the tincture or infusion.
Causes & Symptoms for B Jain Apocynum Cannabinum (Mother Tincture)
- Apocynum Cannabinum produce intense gastric disturbance, extreme depression of the heart’s action, and control dropsical effusions and produce diuresis.
- Apocynum Cannabinum depresses the heart, kidneys, and intestines, relaxing sphincters.
- Apocynum Cannabinum causes and intense sinking sensation, drowsiness and a bewildered state of mind, Dizziness.
- The dropsies of Apocynum are general dropsies with or without organic disease, swelling of every part of the body, cardiac dropsies.
- The excretions are diminished, especially urine and sweat.
- Apocynum Cannabinum restore the menses when given in cases of dropsy.
- Diarrhoea is worse immediately after eating. Food or water is immediately ejected, though hungry.
- There is worse on waking in the morning. Many of the symptoms are worse after sleep.
- Bewildered, nervous, low-spirited.
- Dizzy, Very marked piercing pain in right temple followed by vertigo.
- Vertigo suddenly appearing and disappearing.
- Eyes inflamed, worse morning and evening. Sensation as if sand in them.
- Violent coryza, Nose and throat filled with thick yellow mucus on waking in morning.
- Peculiar dryness of mucous membranes of nose with sensation of stiffness, followed by secretion of thick yellow mucus, preceded in some cases by a thin, irritating discharge.
- Face pale, covered with cold sweat (diarrhoea), Dry lips
- Dry tongue, immoderate thirst. Tongue coated, Constant spitting, increase of mucus and saliva.
- Thirst on waking. Great thirst, but water disagrees, causing pain, and is immediately thrown off (Ars.).
- Cannot tolerate food or drink, which is immediately ejected.
- Distension after a moderate meal. Feels hungry, but when she eats it settles in epigastrium, turns sour, and hurts.
Stool and Anus
- Gentle diarrhoea in the morning, no pain. Diarrhoea explosive, involuntary immediately after eating.
- Stool copious, yellow or brownish, like mush, sometimes containing undigested food.
- Extreme prostration after stool.
- Constipation though feces not hard.
- Piles with feeling as of a wedge being hammered into anus. Bearing-down pain in anus.
- Evacuations very scanty, Watery stools.
- Symptoms always immediately after eating.
Urinary Organs
- Urinary organs torpid, urine scanty, but flows as easily as oil. Urine copious and almost involuntary from relaxed sphincters.
- Profuse light-colored urine, no sediment is seen.
Male Sexual Organs
- Penis and scrotum swollen, dropsical.
Female Sexual Organs
- Exhausting menorrhagia (continuous or paroxysmal). Blood expelled in large clots, sometimes in fluid state.
- Amenorrhoea in young girls, abdomen and legs bloated.
Respiratory Organs
- Oppression, can scarcely speak, speaks in sharp staccato, must take deep breaths. Violent hoarse cough, worse at night.
- Cough short and dry, loose and rattling, with oppression. Short, unsatisfactory respirations.
- Flutterings, dartings, prostrated feeling in cardiac region. Quick, sharp, catching pain in heart with palpitation.
- Pulse slow, labored. Irregular, intermittent, at times feeble, then slow.
- Pulse quick, feeble when moved. Fainting on moving the head, Palpitation troublesome on walking, heart action scarcely perceptible.
- Joints stiff, especially on moving in the morning.
- Constant involuntary motion of one leg and one arm.
Upper Limbs
- Finger nails of bluish red color.
Lower Limbs
- Aching in both knees. Swelling of feet, ankles, and legs.
- Excretions diminished, especially urine and sweat.
- Drowsy in afternoon, restless at night.
- On going to bed desire to sleep, but inability to do so.
- Drowsy before and after nausea and vomiting.
Side effects of B Jain Apocynum Cannabinum (Mother Tincture)
There are no such side effects. But every medicine should be taken following the rules as given.
Dosage and rules while taking B Jain Apocynum Cannabinum (Mother Tincture)
Take 10 drops in half cup of water three times a day.
We recommend you to take under physicians guidance.
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