Also known as :
Verbascum Tha
Potency :1X (Q)
Weight :210 (g)
Dimensions :5 (cm) x 5 (cm) x 13 (cm)
B Jain Verbascum Thapsus (Mother Tincture)
Common Name: Verbascum thapsus, Great Mullein
Tincture is prepared from fresh plant at the commencement of flowering.
“Mullein Oil” is prepared by placing the crushed yellow blossoms in a bottle, which is corked and allowed to stand in the sun (Cushing), or by steeping the blossoms in oil and keeping in a warm place till the oil has absorbed them.
Causes & Symptoms for B Jain Verbascum Thapsus
- Verbascum Thapsis is useful in catarrh and bronchitis.
- There is soreness in pharynx and cough during sleep. Cough is worse at night.
- Verbascum Thapsis also helps in hoarseness of voice when the voice is harsh and sounds like a trumpet.
- Verbascum Thapsis also helps in facial neuralgia affecting zygoma and temporo-maxillary joint and ear particularly of left side with lachrymation, coryza and sensation as if parts were crushed with tongs.
- Pain seems to come in flashes and is excited by least movement, occurring periodically at same hour in morning and afternoon each day is relieved by Verbascum Thapsis.
- Vertigo: when pressing one (left) cheek while supporting the head, sudden, as from pressure on whole head.
- Verbascum Thapsus relieves Headache, with a forcing outwards at forehead.
- Verbascum Thapsus is useful in complaint of Tearing in ears, sometimes when eating, with lancinations.
- Sensation as if ear were drawn inwards.
- It is also useful in Deafness as from stoppage of ear.
- Oil of Mullein (Verb. ol.) relieves earache at once.
- Sensation of stoppage of larynx and ears.
- Profuse coryza from frontal sinuses, with hot, burning, profuse lachrymation.
Face and Teeth
- Facial neuralgia (especially caused and worse by a change of temperature), generally with stupefying, pressive or tensive pains, principally in cheek-bones, and commencing from maxillary joint, worse by clenching teeth, and by external pressure.
- It relieves Violent pressure in left malar bone and zygoma.
- Shootings in the cheek-bones, with dull pressure.
- Toothache, with tearing pain in the molars.
- Pinching pressing pain on lower side of jaw.
Stomach and Abdomen
- Regurgitation of insipid serum.
- Empty, or else bitter risings, with nausea.
- It is useful in Frequent hiccough, Aching of stomach.
- Cuttings and shootings in left hypochondrium.
- Pains in abdomen, which extend deeply downwards, with want to evacuate, and spasmodic contraction of anus.
- It relieves Pinchings and gripings in abdomen.
- Verbascum Thapsus is indicated for Shootings in abdomen, principally in umbilical region, sometimes tearing and tending downwards.
- Sensation as if intestines had adhered to umbilical region, and were torn away.
Stool and Anus
- It is useful in diarrhoea, griping, much pain as if pierced with a lance through inside of left ankle-joint, pain in both cheekbones and above eyebrows, menses came on early this time, and she has coughed a good deal.
- Suppressed evacuation, Faeces hard, like sheep-dung, and expelled with effort.
Respiratory Organs
- Sensation of obstruction in the larynx and nose, with hoarseness when reading aloud, deep voice.
- Catarrh, with hoarseness and stuffed chest.
- Cough especially in evening, and at night, when sleeping, generally rough and dry, or hollow and dull.
- Dry, hoarse cough worse at night.
- Frequent attacks of deep, hollow, hoarse cough, with sound like a trumpet, caused by tickling in larynx and chest.
- The cough is lessened as soon as the patient succeeds in taking a breath.
- Lancinations in the back and shoulder-blades is relieved by it.
- Backache worse from pressure.
- Verbascum Thapsus relieves Stitching in the limbs.
- Tearing pain in the shoulder, back of hand, and elbow is also relieved by it.
- Excessive heaviness and lassitude in legs and feet is relieved by Verbascum Thapsus.
- Cramp-like pressure in sole or right foot, while standing, disappears when walking.
- General indolence, and disposition to sleep, after rising in the morning.
- Verbascum Thapsus is helpful in Hemorrhoids, affections of the inner navel region, obstruction from induration of stool.
- It relieves Darting pains in inner parts, want of perspiration.
- Worse When sitting, from change of temperature.
- Better On rising from a sitting posture.
- Tearings, sometimes lancinating, in different parts (going downwards) is relieved by it
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